
Regional development companies and Invest International align their Dutch funding strategy

Over 50% of Dutch companies that attract venture capital do so thanks in part to an investment from a regional development fund.

Published on September 7, 2024


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Innovative companies with international ambitions and activities are getting better access to available opportunities for support and investment. To this end, the regional development companies (ROMs) and Invest International have signed a cooperation agreement. The agreement also includes agreements on knowledge sharing, export financing opportunities, and joint trade missions.

As investors, the ROMs are at the cradle of the lion's share of innovative startups in the Netherlands. In 2023, the ROMs (total fund assets € 2.3 billion) invested € 219 million from their own funds in 372 startups, scale-ups and innovative SMEs. Over 50% of the companies that attract venture capital do so partly thanks to an investment from a regional development fund. When startups grow into scale-ups, they often do so in an international context. At this stage, Invest International can continue to invest and facilitate international growth. Invest International has its investment capital of EUR 833 million.

Global challenges

The agreements between the ROMs and Invest International focus on start-ups and scale-ups that solve global challenges, such as climate-neutral energy solutions, sustainable food, and healthcare innovations. Invest International and the ROMs review which portfolio companies of the regional development companies qualify for international follow-on investment from Invest International. Conversely, Invest International refers to companies that are at a stage that is too early for them to enter the ROM in that company's region.

“Internationalization, alongside innovation, is the pillar of the Netherlands' current and future earning power,” states Brigit van Dijk-van de Reijt, general director of the Brabant Development Company (BOM), on behalf of ROM-Netherlands. “Invest International's cooperation with the regional development companies puts us in an even better position to give mission-driven startups, scale-ups and SMEs with internationalization ambitions a flying start and thus increase Dutch earning power abroad.”

“Good cooperation between Invest International and regional development companies is crucial to support Dutch companies in their international growth optimally,” stated Eelco Benink, Head of Equity at Invest International. “Whereas the ROMs are in close contact with the companies in their region, Invest International specializes in financing international expansion and trade. Together, we strengthen the international position, competitiveness, and earning power of Dutch companies and contribute to a sustainable and progressive economy.”