
Physicists solve nuclear fusion mystery with mayonnaise

The latest breakthrough in nuclear fusion comes from a rather unexpected place: mayonnaise.

Published on August 14, 2024


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Scientists at Lehigh University are using mayonnaise to study plasma behavior in nuclear fusion reactions. This unconventional approach helps researchers understand complex instabilities in fusion processes, potentially advancing the development of clean, limitless energy sources.

Understanding the Rayleigh-Taylor Instability

The primary focus of the research led by Professor Arindam Banerjee at Lehigh University is to understand the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. This phenomenon occurs when fluids of different densities are accelerated against each other, leading to chaotic mixing. These instabilities are critical in nuclear fusion, where hydrogen isotopes are compressed and heated to extreme conditions to create plasma. By using mayonnaise, which behaves similarly to plasma under stress, researchers aim to develop a deeper understanding of these instabilities and improve the design of fusion reactors.

Similarities between mayonnaise and plasma

Mayonnaise exhibits properties that are surprisingly useful in mimicking plasma behavior. When subjected to a pressure gradient, mayonnaise transitions from an elastic to a plastic phase, and eventually flows. This characteristic makes it an excellent analog for studying the flow and deformation of plasma in fusion reactors. According to Professor Banerjee, "We use mayonnaise because it behaves like a solid, but when subjected to a pressure gradient, it starts to flow." By accelerating mayonnaise in controlled experiments, the team can observe and measure the conditions under which instabilities occur.

How does mayonnaise behave under stress?

The team at Lehigh University has been conducting experiments using a custom-built rotating wheel facility to simulate the flow conditions of plasma. Their goal is to observe how mayonnaise behaves under stress and to identify the conditions that maximize elastic recovery, thereby delaying or suppressing instability. The findings, published in Physical Review E, highlight the critical transitions between elastic and plastic phases in mayonnaise, which are relevant to high-temperature, high-pressure plasma conditions in fusion reactors.

Global implications

This research is part of a broader effort to make inertial confinement fusion more stable and cost-effective. Fusion energy, which involves fusing light atoms like hydrogen into heavier elements such as helium, promises a nearly limitless and clean energy source if it can be efficiently harnessed. The work done by Banerjee and his team could inform the design of more stable fusion capsules, contributing significantly to the global effort to achieve practical fusion energy. As Banerjee stated, "We’re all working towards making inertial fusion cheaper and therefore, attainable."