
Limburg candidate for “Smartest region in the world”

“Limburg has a lot to show in the areas of medical technology, new materials, artificial intelligence and healthy food.”

Published on March 22, 2025

© Marcel van Hoorn

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Limburg is one of the world's most innovative regions. Every year, the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) selects 21 regions worldwide that excel in innovation, knowledge development, and sustainability. Limburg is part of this selection - the so-called Smart21 - and has been nominated for the title of 'The Intelligent Community of the Year'.

Until now, only Brainport Eindhoven in the Netherlands has managed to win the title. That was in 2011. Limburg's nomination was announced last week during the Brightlands symposium at TEFAF, which focused on the impact of innovation.

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Louis Zacharilla, chairman and founder of ICF, praises the Limburg region for the groundbreaking innovations developed through collaboration between knowledge institutes, education, Brightlands Campuses, the business community, and the government. “Limburg is one of the best-kept secrets within the ICF network of places we research. So much is happening here in medical technology, new materials, artificial intelligence, and healthy nutrition. I propose that they not keep this potential success story to themselves. It is time they gained more visibility!”

Motivation for more innovation

Provincial executive Stephan Satijn was delighted with Limburg's nomination. “This is a great recognition of what we have already achieved in recent years: through our campuses, our commitment to the Einstein Telescope, and the strength of our local businesses. This motivates us to continue on the path we have taken. To focus even more on innovation and ensure society benefits from it. We want everyone in Limburg and beyond to share in the progress we make. We will communicate this story even more vigorously in the coming period, with Brightlands increasingly becoming the brand with which innovative Limburg presents itself.”

Einstein Telescope

Einstein Telescope: six consortia working on the latest technology

Three new consortia will receive financial support for the Einstein Telescope.

Sharing knowledge worldwide

The ICF is a worldwide federation of over 200 cities and regions that help each other to use technology for inclusive prosperity, with an eye for sustainability to enrich the quality of life. As a member of the ICF, Limburg hopes to learn from the knowledge and experience of other regions in the world about how they organize innovation and development and to apply these lessons in the further development of Limburg as an innovation region. In doing so, Limburg also wants to increase the chances of the Einstein Telescope coming to this Euroregion. Sardinia, among others, is a competitor for that mega project.

© Marcel van Hoorn

© Marcel van Hoorn

Proven innovative strength

To become a member, the ICF tested Limburg against criteria that range from proven innovative strength and the effect of triple helix collaborations to knowledge development and digital infrastructure. Based on these criteria, Brightlands Limburg Region was admitted to the federation and became one of the 21 nominees for the international title of Intelligent Community of the Year. This Smart21 will ultimately decide the Smartest Region of the Year in October.

Last June, the European Union also awarded Limburg the prestigious title of 'Regional Innovation Valley'; the year before, the province was promoted to Innovation Leader on the Regional Innovation Scoreboard. In December, the Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus joined the group of top Dutch campuses.


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