
'Health disaster in the making.' What can we do?

Dutch people are living shorter lives in good health. Policies and innovations can help us.

Published on June 17, 2024


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The Dutch live shorter lives in good health, struggle more often with chronic conditions, and 40 percent of young people do not exercise enough. To improve this, 22 health funds argue that health should become the starting point of all government policy. A manifesto containing this recommendation will be presented today to outgoing Minister Dijkstra of medical care.

The organizations warn that a health disaster is imminent and could also threaten the prosperity of the Netherlands. They stress that poor health costs society a lot of money and increases workforce shortages. Among the funds supporting the manifesto are KWF, the Brain Foundation, and the Diabetes Fund.

The manifesto states that people with lower incomes live eight years shorter than those with higher incomes. Moreover, they would spend as many as 24 years less in good health. The organizations emphasize that an unhealthy lifestyle is still easier and cheaper than a healthy living.

New policies

There are several areas where we can improve in the Netherlands so that people live longer. Health must become part of the new government policy, the manifesto states. For example, something must be done about vaping. Also, unhealthy food is still too addictive. Products are manufactured in such a way that they arouse our cravings.

Next year, the 22 collaborating health funds want to organize a "health summit. During this meeting, the government, business, science, healthcare organizations, and patient organizations must make concrete agreements to improve the health of the Dutch.

Numerous innovations

In addition to public policy, there are many innovations that can help us live healthier lives. Take VR, for example. Those who want to quit smoking might consider VR therapy. Research from the Open University shows that when VR therapy places people in situations where they would normally smoke, such as cafes or bus stops, it helps control the urge to smoke a cigarette. The immersive experience of VR is essential to its success and offers hopeful help for people who want to quit smoking.

Research shows that chronic stress is associated with six primary causes of death, including heart disease, cancer, lung disease, accidents, liver cirrhosis, and suicide. When it comes to relaxing, music can help. Dutch startup AlphaBeats has developed a technology that integrates neurofeedback with personal music choices. An EEG headband monitors brain activity and the system then adjusts the music in real-time. The result: a calm mindset.

Moreover, innovative fitness devices exist to help people enjoy indoor exercise. The TrueTrainer, for example, is an indoor trainer that perfectly mimics the resistance of cycling outdoors. Within the "fitness & sports" category, TrueKinetix won the CES 2023 Innovation Award.