
Breda launches B'Game Incubator for game developers

“Games have the power to connect people, create new worlds and solve complex issues.”

Published on November 23, 2024

Opening B'Game Breda

Opening B'Game Breda

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Alderman Carla Kranenborg-van Eerd and deputy Martijn van Gruijthuijsen opened the B'Game Incubator on Friday. This new facility in Breda's innovation district focuses on the game industry, especially independent game studios and affiliates from the tech and entertainment sector. B'Game aims to give start-up and established game developers the opportunity to grow their ideas and bring them to market.

The official starting signal was given during the Game Art & Design conference of Game Week in Breda. Alderman Carla Kranenborg - van Eerd (economy and innovation): “Breda is known for its strong creative sector and fast-growing game industry. B'Game is located in the middle of the innovation district. A dynamic environment where innovation, creativity, and technology go hand in hand. In this new place, young entrepreneurs, creative minds, and experts can experiment together and turn innovative concepts into tangible results. Here, they are given the space to learn, make mistakes, and grow.” A business developer helps gaming startups and startups with scalable business models, attracting investors, strategic collaborations, programming, and leveraging networks. “This is how B'Game strengthens the gaming and creative sector in Breda and beyond.”

Opening B'Game Breda

Alderman Carla Kranenborg-van Eerd and deputy Martijn van Gruijthuijsen open B'Game Breda

European center

Breda wants to grow into a European center for the game industry and creative entrepreneurship. B'Game is expected to be here for about three years. The joint ambition is to then move to a permanent location. This will work toward a stable and independent platform for innovation and entrepreneurship within the game industry in North Brabant.

“The game industry is bigger than the film and music industries combined. With our strength in this area, the task now is to capitalize on opportunities,” said Martijn van Gruijthuijsen. “Together with companies and students, we will ensure that the games sector can land well in Breda and Brabant. This way, we are at the basis of a new economic force in the region, we can use serious games and entrepreneurship to tackle social issues, and graduated talent can also work in Brabant.” Kranenborg-van Eerd: “Games have the power to connect people, create new worlds, and solve complex issues.”


Climate, social challenges: gaming helps society move forward

Tijdens Breda Game Week krijgen bezoekers een inkijkje in de laatste innovaties in de gamewereld.


The opening of the B'Game Incubator was preceded by a speech by Barbera Wolfensberger, Director General of Culture and Media of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. “In this Game Week, Breda is putting the city on the map as a center for creativity and innovation. Breda is home to approximately 4,000 students who are preparing for a future in gaming. With B'Game Incubator, creative talents and professionals get the chance to develop distinctive, beautiful games while taking a strategic position in a rapidly developing international market. They also face the challenge of relating to public values in the digital environment. I look forward to all the great new games and fresh collaborations that will emerge in the B'Game Incubator.”

These first ventures in B'Game are a mix of indie game studios, serious game studios and game development collectives. The talents at the companies have mostly studied at BUas game courses in Breda. In the future, the directors want to broaden this. Creative Breda college and mbo courses from Avans, Curio and Rooi Pannen are already linking up for projects in the field of serious games and AI.

The B'Game Incubator is an initiative of the municipality of Breda, supported by the province of North Brabant and Breda University of Applied Sciences.