A sneak preview of the AI Pitch Competition: what Dembrane has in store for the world
Ten ambitious AI startups have been selected to compete in the AI Pitch Competition. Ahead of the finals, IO portrays all the participants. Today: Dembrane.
Published on October 11, 2024

Bart, co-founder of Media52 and Professor of Journalism oversees IO+, events, and Laio. A journalist at heart, he keeps writing as many stories as possible.
Dembrane's AI transforms hours of talk into actionable insights. A simple tool records, transcribes, structures, and analyzes your conversations with stakeholders in minutes. Dembrane has found a way to survey large groups of citizens on a given topic and, with the help of artificial intelligence, distill from them the main conclusions and nuances of what is really going on within the group, including the corresponding sentiments. Bram Delisse, process and team lead, answers our questions.

"At Dembrane, we are using state-of-the-art embedding, clustering, and transformer models to power our in-house developed large-scale conversation data analysis tool, which is based on much democracy and deliberation research (like cross-pollination or sortition). This way, we uniquely merge AI innovations with democratic innovations to build the infrastructure for deliberation at scale."
"The technology is extremely scalable by design. What we anticipate will be more challenging to scale is the thinking required for using Dembrane: a strong belief that people know-how and that listening to the whole community will lead to a better future for all."
"When claiming to facilitate the whole community to be heard, one has to operate with great care. Bias, fairness, and transparency are all significant topics for Dembrane. Currently, we are already tackling these in multiple ways. Firstly, transparency is strongly boosted by our data analysis tool, which only uses actual quotes from the conversations to generate insights. This way, it's not the AI talking; it's the community talking. Next, we are striving to minimally use AI in our tooling - only where required to ensure every voice is heard. We elaborate further on this topic in this blog post. Shortly, we plan to set up our ethical research division within Dembrane to research the ethics of our impact.
"We need to talk. Communication is essential for a community to collaborate constructively. We're pretty bad at inclusive conversation at scale, and we believe we see this back in our struggling collaboration. By building the infrastructure for large-scale conversation, we hope to contribute to a world where communities get larger, wiser, more connected, and more fair because everyone can join the conversation. Unintended societal risks consist of people in power using the infrastructure to learn much about the community without actually acting upon the ideas of the community. We plan to handle these risks through various methods, such as automatically full transparency of the results for every participant or only being able to use the digital infrastructure through licensed facilitators. But these are still ideas and need yet to be worked out."
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"The biggest hurdle in launching Dembrane has been balancing our consultancy-based process with product development. As a young team of now five full-timers and one part-timer, we've had to juggle serving customers while simultaneously building our internal tooling. We overcame this challenge by adopting an iterative approach and continuously improving our tools based on real-world applications. The current AI landscape has enabled us to move quickly."
"We currently address privacy by not tracking who is saying what. This way, only the ideas and critiques are stored, not who stated them. We are GDPR compliant by handling all personal data on self-hosted models (no personal data is used for training) or on servers hosted in the EU. We've examined the AI Act, which does not affect us significantly. We're convinced we can build our infrastructure while building 'minimal risk' AI. In the short-mid term, we expect to hire someone fully dedicated to privacy and cybersecurity."
"We envision Dembrane to become a democratic membrane within any community that enables conversations where every member can join and be heard. This way, we hope to contribute to a world where, as communities get larger, they get wiser, more connected, and more fair. In the longer term, Dembrane's role will, next to developing and maintaining the infrastructure, significantly consist of research on what it to have a conversation at scale and to educate communities on the correct usage of Dembrane through some academy.
Then, we will discuss how Dembrane could play a role in shaping the future of AI. One of the central challenges in AI development is the problem of AI alignment: we would like AI systems that think and act according to how a community would like them to think and act. Next to the technical challenge of incorporating the voice of the community, a significant challenge is finding out how a community would like an AI system to think and act in the first place (this problem is nicely described in this blog post). We envision Dembrane taking a central place in this process. We've explored this before in collaborative research with OpenAI (the report)."
"We believe that by empowering conversation and democracy with Dembrane, we are tackling a difficult and fundamental challenge that aids with many of humanity's other challenges. The next generation of AI models and chatbots will come relatively easily (their discovery aided by AI). The real difficult but critical challenge is involving people in the process. By creating AI-powered infrastructure that is built upon democratic values and grass-roots approaches, we ensure human society and AI develop symbiotically."